Government and Politics
- 27 BC to 68 AD: Julian-Claudian Dynasty
- Octavian/Augustus
- Created the Praetorian Guard (bodyguards for the emperor and his family)
- System for controlling provinces of the empire
- Gave citizenship to the people in the provinces
- Made a more uniform tax system
- Encouraged religion
- Tiberius-strict and practical with the economy
- Caligula-used money for extravagant games and entertainment, assassinated
- Claudius
- Centralized the government
- Took control of the treasury
- Expanded the civil service
- Proponent of public works
- Developed Ostia as the port of Rome
- Added Britain and other provinces to the empire
- Nero
- Successful army
- Patron of the arts
- Rebuilt the city and imperial palace when Rome was destroyed in a fire
- Took away private estates of the Upper Class
- Others: Gaba, Otho, Vitellius
- 68-96 AD: Flavian Dynasty
- Vespasian, Titus, Domitian
- Created the Amphitheatrum Falvium (Colosseum)
- Arch of Titus in Rome
- 98-180 AD: The Five Good Emperors
- Nerva-tradition of finding someone to take place after death
- Trajan-increased power of the Senate, increased public works, expanded the empire
- Hadrian-consolidated empires, built walls in Scotland/Rhine River to hold in barbarians
- Antonius-just, tranquil empire
- Aurelius-ruled well in times of barbaric uprisings
- 3rd Century Crisis
- Pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, economic despression
- 20-25 people claimed the title of Empire
- Empire split into three states
- Diocletian split the empire into a tetrarchy, created successors
- After this, the empire just began to crumble
Social, Cultural and Religious Trends
- Julius Caesar was the first to claim to be a direct descendant of Aeneas, the son of Venus
- Emperors accepted divine honors before their deaths
- Required sacrificial rituals
- Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god
- Religious strife and turmoil until Constantine made Christianity an acceptable part of Roman religion
- 392 AD-Emperor Theodosius I banned practice of pagan religions in Rome, Christianity became the official religion
Major Events and Persons
- AD 284-Diocletian divided the Roman empire into two
- AD 307 to AD 337-Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople, which was in the Eastern Empire and far away from the Western Empire
- AD 410-leader of the Visigoths captured Rome, and territory in Spain, France, Africa and England fell to the tribes
- AD 455-Rome attacked by Vandals
- AD 476-last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus, was removed from power
Major External Factors
- Threats from tribes in northern Europe
- Starting in AD 190-attacked by tribes, civil wars in the empire, respect for Roman law dwindled
- The Goths wanted to move into the Roman empire for a better climate
- Disease and plagues were rampant throughout the population
- Attacked by the Huns, Germans, and other tribes
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