Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Roman Monarchy

Dates: 753 BC-510 BC

1. 753 BC - 715 BC: Romulus

  • Considered the founder of Rome
  • Killed twin brother Remus for control of the city
  • Allowed exiles, refugees, homicides and runaway slaves to populate empire
  • Stole Sabine women to compensate for shortage of women
  • Created class distinctions-the 100 advisers (patres) were the forefathers of the patrician class
2. 715 BC - 674 BC: Numa Pompilus
  • Created the religious structure of Rome (became official state religion)
  • Began offices: pontifices, vestals, flamines
  • Introduced land reforms
  • Worked on the calendar-added Januarius and Februarius (now a solar calendar); days of commerce and days of religion
3. 674 BC - 642 BC: Tullius Hostilius
  • Declared war against Albans (reason: cattle raiding)
    • Pit 2 sets of 3 brothers against one another
  • Increase Roman influence in Latium
  • Plague of Rome during his reign
  • Tullius fell ill, tried to make a sacrifice to Jupiter but failed and was killed by a thunderbolt

4. 642 BC - 616 BC: Ancus Martius
  • Built the Pons Sublicius-a bridge at the foot of Aventine Hill across the Tiber River
  • Opened a trading route via Salaria
  • Built a prison
  • Established the Port of Ostia (mouth of the Tiber River)

5. 616 BC - 578 BC: Tarquinius Priscus

  • Obtained the throne by fraud
  • Introduced the culture of the Etruscans to Rome
  • Laid out the Circus Maximus, instituted games
  • Built sewers, began construction of the temple of Jupiter
  • War against the Sabines, subjugated Latium
  • Increased # of senators to 300, doubled number of knights
  • Assassinated by the sons of Ancus Martius
6. 578 BC - 534 BC: Servius Tullius

  • Victory of Veii
  • Built the Servian City Wall-enlarged the city boundaries to include all 7 hills
  • Organized assembly into centuriae
  • Replaced bartering with coinage
  • Created the first census
  • Created the caste system-assigned citizens to social classes based on wealth
7. 534 BC - 510 BC: Tarquinius Superbus
  • Haughty ruler
  • Constructed the Cloaca Maxima
  • Attempted to set up pure totalitarianism/depotism
  • Deprived lower class of arms, forced them to build (like slaves)
  • His son was guilty of the rape of Lucretia
  • End of the monarchy-died in exile
Romulus and Remus

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